Thursday, June 11, 2009

Superficiality to Reality

A quick lil ramble for ya

You know it's interesting... (I'm typing off the top of my head)... I started off trying to get some technical animation stuff down because it's been a long time since I have messed with it, and if one of my prospective clients approve of the latest scope of work I proposed–an OBGYN clinic, Queens, New York–I will have the experience I need to get the motion aspect of it done perfectly. After spending a couple of hours and gaining some sufficient working knowledge of all the tools I re-learned, I got into my usual hyperactive creative mode and thought of all the clients I can attract and sell to with this reviewed knowledge.

I went Buh-nah-NUZ.

I am even going to go back and edit a website proposal before I send it off for approval so I can add some animation to it. Plus people love movement. If you promise them that, and make it look advanced, even if simple... You will be gold! Artists+designers need to eat too so they have to pay what we ask for sometimes! I mean COME ON!! That's a much anticipated other subject though! haha

The Point.

Then I got distracted and had to go downstairs and get some iphone issues with my brother and law, Noel, fixed. My cousin Jose passed by so then my brother and law got distracted. Waiting for them to get over whatever they're talking about. I noticed one of the important basketball games were on (Yes very sarcastically said, I don't watch sports, I rather play it and even then I'm barely serious). Then, with motion graphics still lingering in my mind, I came to the idea of making a motion piece that communicates upon an issue that I usually think of when sports topics spring within my reach that many might not like... Not just the average many. A diversity of people might get mad.
And seemingly, as the idea grows in my head, the diversity and number of people that will get mad only rises. It hits every race, every class, and much more. It's observant. And it isn't as if I think I will be alone on this. Many would agree. I won't express my idea yet–I don't care if anyone steals it. I just don't want to blab it and never get it done. It is something I truly feel passionate about. But...

The basis of the idea is this... Sports makes MAD MONEY!... TOO MUCH MONEY... WE ALL KNOW THIS... it is not a secret that these teams, players and the people that manage them... make crazy money. Do you ever feel like they make too much money? How about actors and actesses? Making 20 mill on one movie? There is much more to say obviously...

All that cash... and damn... not enough to feed, nor shelter nor educate a massive amount of people... massive... It's not a national issue... It's a global issue. You would be surprised how easy it is to find pictures online of kids in hunger and dead from starvation, and much MORE.

I have been making motions going toward personal art for a long time. Now there is another aspect of my creative life that I have taken special interest for. It goes beyond me or you. It's the world. The people. My music, the influences, my partners, they all feel it. Maybe it's a creative vibe going on in 2009.

Random thought. This year, creatives (from music, visual art and so on) better get busy and take advantage of the internet for it is the cheapest way to get exposure and not just for yourself, your work and fame... But to create change and educate the masses.

I can go on back and forth with tangents. This can be an explosive subject. But there are many things to consider when taking time to do this type of socially responsible kind of work. I'll leave it at that.

HOPE I DIDN'T SOUND MORBID! I RESPECT SPORTS!... Just things I think about.


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Gettin' BusieR

I thought the site would be up sooner. But then... we got busy. Really busy lol. So the blog will stay put here for a bit longer! But it's okay! Because I am truly excited that we are busy and things are happening and moving forward at Nextmarvel Studios! I will defnintely be working longer days and have a crazier schedule after today. Today will mark history. I am trying to put myself in line. And put all of my shiznit together.

Let's go!


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Te Quiero by Nextmarvel Studios

A little something, something for now. More to come.

Monday, March 9, 2009


I always had a fascination for angler fish... They are amongst the most mysterious creatures ever oh so minutely known to man.

..."Some anglerfishes of the superfamily Ceratioidei employ an unusual mating method. Because individuals are presumably locally rare and encounters doubly so, finding a mate is problematic. When scientists first started capturing ceratioid anglerfish, they noticed that all of the specimens were females. These individuals were a few inches in size and almost all of them had what appeared to be parasites attached to them. It turned out that these "parasites" were the remains of male ceratioids.

At birth, male ceratioids are already equipped with extremely well developed olfactory organs that detect scents in the water. When it is mature, the male's digestive system degenerates, making him incapable of feeding independently, which necessitates his quickly finding a female anglerfish to prevent his death. The sensitive olfactory organs help the male to detect the pheromones that signal the proximity of a female anglerfish. When he finds a female, he bites into her skin, and releases an enzyme that digests the skin of his mouth and her body, fusing the pair down to the blood-vessel level. The male then atrophies into nothing more than a pair of gonads, which releases sperm in response to hormones in the female's bloodstream indicating egg release. This extreme sexual dimorphism ensures that, when the female is ready to spawn, she has a mate immediately available."

from wiki:

Yes I intend to write more often. Not sure how many followers I have. Or how many people I have disappointed in linking them to this blog and seeing that the last post is from aeons ago. LOL. But anyway. I'm back blogging world. I'm really back.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

WOW... "The mystery of the Major League Baseball logo designer"

is he the designer? i think so... if the articles speak truth...

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

"we are in the business of user experiences not art work"

NOTE: I am a crazy writer and the following was written on pure impulse. Thanks. lol.
WHAT!!! Are you serious! That quote would ring in my head loudly from the first day I heard it. From a boss that I had in a small digital shop I was recently working at, whose name will remain nameless (only because of my loyalty to the fellow workers there, creative and non-creative team members, the kind that appreciate us, alike).

This digital shop was full of talented people from the top to the bottom. Matter of fact... SCRATCH THAT! They were just talented people period! There was no top or bottom. Everyone was elite in the skills they knew they possessed and skills in which they were rightly hired for... Everyone knew that about each other except for one man... (Sad music now resonates through the following - not the violins from soap operas but the funny kind from cartoons). I was on board as a "designer." Meaning (in this company's case) I was working under a creative director, a creative design director, and a senior designer, each amazingly inspiring in their own ways.

I was given my first project on my first week to design a few comprehensives for an upcoming website for a recently signed "high-profile" client... There is much to argue about the process of this self-proclaiming "high profile interactive agency" L.M.A.O. (no ia, nor wireframes, creative briefs for the client, no designer and client interaction, the list goes on, etc and some more.) I was expected to present the first round of progress internally to the big boss, "Chief Innovation Officer", who is not in anyway active in day to day creative department activities. He had not delegated anyone in the creative department to manage between me and the expectancies of the first round of designs. I had sent numerous emails to the Chief Innovation Officer numerous times and had received no response for weeks!!! So I continued along my path on what felt right. None of my creative department seniors didn't think to manage me, naturally, being that I was seemingly having fun and moving along just fine. Everyone thought my work was cool, and beautiful. They all gave me tips and what not along the way. WAIT A SECOND MY PPL! OBVIOUSLY there is already a problem...
The "Chief... INNOVATION OFFICER" is not communicating with the CREATIVE DEPARTMENT... Creative... Innovative... Create... Innovate. If I didn't color the first issue for you well enough...

I typed within Google search, "define: innovate," and got the following:
Innovate: develop or change an established concept, component, system, process to meet an identified by an incremental or evolutionary process. See Create.

I did the same for "create" and, honest to God, I found it to be strikingly hilarious...
create:produce an essentially new product, apply original intellectual effort. See Innovate.

... sigh... Um yeah dude. They bounce to eachother... They bark loudly to eachother... These words level to each other... by meaning... To this Chief Innovation Officer it was as though he was blind to see these two words, who are reflecting twins in definition, "create" and "innovate."

I look back and say...

Never-mind that he didn't like my designs. Even though I know my work is beautiful and crafted with a high level of detail, and praised by everyone in the office. Any aesthetic comments, are totally subjective. Never mind that his title felt more like a reason to belittle people, and show others what a great sack of christmas walnuts he had.

the problem was...
His large sack of walnuts forgot the beer that makes this process loose, fun, and ever growing on both entry designer end and director end. Even though I was already an Art Director at a major world wide ad agency before I jumped into this job which didn't seem like the career opportunity I thought it would be. This guy made me feel like I made a big mistake leaving the ad agency. That's life. The weird "beer" metaphor comes from this process from which develops the masterpiece that both he and I could grow and agree upon...

I'll skip the fact that he actually yelled at me in front of the non-creative, non-web experienced staff about how I presented the multiple webdsign home page comprehensives (The same way I had presented them to him in email all along my process developing the design and art work)acting as if all this that I was presenting should be a surprise. He is at this point probably never going to receive any loyalty or respect from me as a creative person from this point on should he continue this route... and yeah... you may have guessed it. He definitely continued this way... except in private... and that just got fucking WEIRD!!! I eventually left to start my own business.

I couldn't do a 9 to 5 for an ass hole. That is the truth. I am in a position (young, energetic, constantly hungry) to leave a job to work toward what I believe in. Many would find it arguable that maybe it is never too late or too early to fight for what you believe in... Hmm... Makes you think huh? Anyways!.. Back to the point...

He created no relationship through out this project. That means major negative things:
1. He wasn't working with me on this project as my director.
2. He didn't delegate those who were in the creative department who may know the type of stuff he's looking for to guide me through to his expectancy.
3. I never freaking knew what he thought of the work while through the process!
4. No mentorship.
5. No process.

Who did he think he was? To yell at me? I have big walnuts too.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Make moves now

Take a moment to breathe. The world around us is full of successes and opportunity to get to these successes ourselves. Opportunity is a ubiquitous subject. People talk about opportunity. People inspire others to take opportunities that they feel are great. But no one can talk to us about how to find it. It is the individual that must seek his own opportunity. Whether it be with a partner who can share the vision or a follower/diciple who is willing to learn with you a new experience.

The song of life is a wonder that can never be the same. A new line is added everyday. A new chorus. Lines replaced or removed. And an unexpected vamp at the end may come about. Positive or negative.

This is broad. This is abstract. this is a step back and out from the everyday and taking time to analyze it.

Life is Simply Marvelous. Love life and life will love you.
you could be broke, alone, and hopeless or you could be the opposite by taking action.

Famed designer, Stefan Sagmeister, "... Hoping things will get better in the future is stupid. I have to move NOW..."