Thursday, June 11, 2009

Superficiality to Reality

A quick lil ramble for ya

You know it's interesting... (I'm typing off the top of my head)... I started off trying to get some technical animation stuff down because it's been a long time since I have messed with it, and if one of my prospective clients approve of the latest scope of work I proposed–an OBGYN clinic, Queens, New York–I will have the experience I need to get the motion aspect of it done perfectly. After spending a couple of hours and gaining some sufficient working knowledge of all the tools I re-learned, I got into my usual hyperactive creative mode and thought of all the clients I can attract and sell to with this reviewed knowledge.

I went Buh-nah-NUZ.

I am even going to go back and edit a website proposal before I send it off for approval so I can add some animation to it. Plus people love movement. If you promise them that, and make it look advanced, even if simple... You will be gold! Artists+designers need to eat too so they have to pay what we ask for sometimes! I mean COME ON!! That's a much anticipated other subject though! haha

The Point.

Then I got distracted and had to go downstairs and get some iphone issues with my brother and law, Noel, fixed. My cousin Jose passed by so then my brother and law got distracted. Waiting for them to get over whatever they're talking about. I noticed one of the important basketball games were on (Yes very sarcastically said, I don't watch sports, I rather play it and even then I'm barely serious). Then, with motion graphics still lingering in my mind, I came to the idea of making a motion piece that communicates upon an issue that I usually think of when sports topics spring within my reach that many might not like... Not just the average many. A diversity of people might get mad.
And seemingly, as the idea grows in my head, the diversity and number of people that will get mad only rises. It hits every race, every class, and much more. It's observant. And it isn't as if I think I will be alone on this. Many would agree. I won't express my idea yet–I don't care if anyone steals it. I just don't want to blab it and never get it done. It is something I truly feel passionate about. But...

The basis of the idea is this... Sports makes MAD MONEY!... TOO MUCH MONEY... WE ALL KNOW THIS... it is not a secret that these teams, players and the people that manage them... make crazy money. Do you ever feel like they make too much money? How about actors and actesses? Making 20 mill on one movie? There is much more to say obviously...

All that cash... and damn... not enough to feed, nor shelter nor educate a massive amount of people... massive... It's not a national issue... It's a global issue. You would be surprised how easy it is to find pictures online of kids in hunger and dead from starvation, and much MORE.

I have been making motions going toward personal art for a long time. Now there is another aspect of my creative life that I have taken special interest for. It goes beyond me or you. It's the world. The people. My music, the influences, my partners, they all feel it. Maybe it's a creative vibe going on in 2009.

Random thought. This year, creatives (from music, visual art and so on) better get busy and take advantage of the internet for it is the cheapest way to get exposure and not just for yourself, your work and fame... But to create change and educate the masses.

I can go on back and forth with tangents. This can be an explosive subject. But there are many things to consider when taking time to do this type of socially responsible kind of work. I'll leave it at that.

HOPE I DIDN'T SOUND MORBID! I RESPECT SPORTS!... Just things I think about.
