Monday, November 19, 2007


"To be driven is to always retain a sense of urgency"... A quote from my friend's myspace page about me section... so yeah I read those too. You'd be surprised how interesting people can be that they would have some sort of valuable word on their page that is worthy of entering the public discourse. Anyways... back to the quote. I always tried to break down how one can "be driven" to a science. Perhaps trying to find how it can be obtained within steps or some sort of interesting experience, some call it "inspiration"... What's beautiful about my friend', "Magz", word's is that she has phrased it in a way that says, to me atleast, "Just Do It!", It's as if there is no "ifs", "ands", or "buts" about it. If something has to get done and you want to do it then be urgent, get on top of it... why?... BECAUSE IT HAS TO GET DONE! there is no concept of procrastination here in the phrase that takes place to discuss about. It doesnt say "To be driven is to be inspired".. cuz then you might ask "where do i get inspiration from?".. NO!.. It says "to be driven is to retain a sense of freakin urgency!"... that means if it has to get done then do it as if it were due in the next hour! of course don't give your self a heart attack over a one page paper that's due in a month... or something of that nature... but more than anything this phrase expresses the messages "GET TO IT", "GET IT DONE", "JUST DO IT"..... Why would this be so interesting to an artist?

Artists, whether they be illustrators, designer, or singers tend to use the "I don't have inspiration" excuse as do many other creative types. We forget that sometimes just getting to something and working on it will evoke emotions whether positive or negative. Your work is your inspiration. How many times do creatives look at your their own work and say "I could have done better" or "if i had more time... but it was at least effective". take those negatives and positives to your new projects as inspiration people! Look back at your processes, what did it lack? Did you work alone? Was it a collaboration? What helps your ideas flow? was it the icecream? anyway... you get the point.

But this phrase of urgency isn't just for creatives. it's for all sorts of activities that us as humans desire to persue in life. Do you want to start your own firm? Have a model body? Extend your network of contacts in the industry that you work within? If we get to those little things in our lives we can also expect to be happier people in the end. Take a step back and analyze your day to day activities? HOW DO YOU DESIGN YOUR LIFE?

Right now I'm going to click publish post. and not give a damn about all the errors within this piece of text. It's better than having an idea about something and not having spilled it at all. I will be writing more often. I'm going to go get inspired and finish my website...! BY THE WAY KANYE WEST ALBUM iS THE SHIZNIT.... THIS HAS BEEN ANOTHER SIMPLY MARVLOUS MOMENT! PEACE! ONE!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


Michelangelo: "I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free." He saw the art / the challenge / the beautiful final product of his aspiration, or desire, before he even finished it. SIMPLY MARVELOUS! I can always look to the geniuses like Michelangelo for inspiration.